The Animated Step-by-Step™, Parts of the Mealworm is
a great example of an activity that tries to address the challenge of
differentiated instruction, while simultaneously promoting peer-peer
interactions in a PowerPoint lesson. The
group lesson is basically an introduction to diagramming but it also does a great job of helping students learn
and practice the parts of the mealworm in a game-like format.
To achieve this goal, the velcro receptive learning fun cube (
is incorporated into the interactive whiteboard lesson (or iPad followup activity
using the Microsoft PowerPoint app). As illustrated
below, the learning fun cube can be loaded in a variety of ways to promote a more
interactive, game-like structure.
Numbers … students
are encouraged to roll the dice (loaded with dual=representation number cards),
then name and/or write the label in the corresponding numbered box. As a final
step, the student is encouraged to tap the box to hear its spoken label. Was he/she correct?
Colors … children roll the dice
(loaded with dual=representation color cards) then name the part corresponding
to the color indicated by the roll. Tap
the colored part’s star on the interactive whiteboard and students will hear its
corresponding spoken label. Did the student
provide the correct verbal label?
Parts … students roll
the dice (loaded with dual=representation mealworm parts) then read the printed
word on the card. They must then tap the correct corresponding diagrammed box
to hear whether they labeled it correctly. Tapping the box will produce the
correct audio label. As an
alternative, they can also use the pen tools to print the label in its box.
Furthering the idea of differentiated instruction, flip the card to reveal a
picture that can be used to confirm or clarify the answer given by the student.
In general, there is a considerable amount of differentiated
instruction that can be achieved by number- or color-coding content. As most
AAC students have access to number and color pages in their communication
systems, they can be called upon to answer questions when given a field
of number or color coded items.
Consider having children work in paired teams … since you
are tallying the number of correct answers for each team, you have added value to your lesson by adding a math component.
An added math component rounds out the impact of the
activity quite nicely … science content (larva, sensors, thorax, abdomen, legs,
head), reading, writing, AAC symbols (if you have a symbol-supported version) …
and math!
… ‘til the next post …. (new posts every Monday)
©2015 Carol Goossens’, Ph.D.
Augmentative Communication Consultant
Speech-Language Pathologist
Special Educator