Sunday, May 10, 2020

Games, Games, Games! Tele-Practice Anyone?

During these difficult times, families are grappling with how to use their time together productively … and enjoyably. Some of my fondest childhood memories were playing board games in the evening with my siblings and Dad. In addition to being fun, games like Connect 4, Dominoes, Checkers, Rock Paper Scissors, Go Fish, Beat the Clock, WarI Spy With My Little Eye, Tic Tac Toe and even Pig Latin, provide a wonderful forum for teaching a variety of skills (numbers, colors, matching, foresight, letters, memory and spelling to list a few).

Animated Step-by-Steps® are animated PowerPoints designed to address literacy, language, AAC and a host of academic goals. Each page includes a series of animations. Read the text up to the star … click … and see an animation of what you just read. If you purchase a symbol-supported version, the symbols will appear AFTER all the slide animations have been triggered. This strategy is designed to promote a 'literacy first' agenda. Once the symbols appear they can be used to conduct Aided Language Stimulation. 

Over the past few years, I have gradually added How to Play Animated Step-by-Steps® to the vast library of animated resources. This 'How To Play' Series is designed to teach the rules of various 'family-orientated games'. In addition to outlining the rules, they also provide practice trials to ensure that children understand the rules. 

In the home, these resources can be displayed on the 'big screen'(large screen TV using Apple TV) or the 'small screen'(computer monitor, iPad/Android tablet or iPhone using the free Microsoft PowerPoint app specific to each). 

Please visit the Animated Step-by-Steps blog for further information on the creative use of these educational resources.

In the hands of a creative parent, specific adaptations can be implemented to allow children to participate more fully in these games using an eye-gaze frame, a communication device or even a switch to trigger the sequential animations that make up each resource. 

They can even be shared via Tele-practice! The rules of the game are systematically shared using the share screen feature of a program such as Zoom, Skype or Google Team.  Communication training can set the stage for an interactive game. The child's communication device can be programmed with messages to mediate the game. 

These teaching resources are available through TpT. They can be purchased individually or bundled.