Who Came to School Today is now available as an Animated Step-by-Step digital resource (PCS,
SymbolStix) and a Fan Display (PCS version) through Teachers Pay Teachers.
The Animated
Step-by-Step version can be displayed on the Interactive
Whiteboard, a computer monitor or an iPad/Android tablet (free Microsoft PowerPoint app). The launch page is designed to add a literacy component to this activity. You can opt to add the initials of your students or just the first letter of their name.
On subsequent linked
pages you will be substituting photo faces of your students for the 'illustration place holders'. Don't forget to also change the xxxx to their printed name.
To change the text just
click to highlight the XXXXX then type over the highlighted text (Do not delete
the text placeholder as it has been assigned a specific font and font size).
To change the picture, right click (Control-Click for Mac) on the illustrated
face … select Change Picture
from the drop down menu … navigate to the student photo face that you wish
to insert.
When using the low tech Fan
Display, the Facilitator flips back and forth between the two sides of the display … hopefully building a little suspense in the process ("Whoooooo's next?")
Side 1: WHO CAME
to SCHOOL TODAY? (suspense builds)
(pointing to reflection in mirror or the large photo face)
Side 1: Joey
(pointing to Joey) CAME to SCHOOL TODAY
Side 2: Can he/she/you SAY
In response to the question “Can you say hi? a range of differentiated options are possible:
-wiggle your fingers
-‘fist bump’
-'high five'
-hand wave hi
-say “hi” using the voice output of
a single message device, e.g. BIGmack
-spoken ‘hi”
(encouraging the non target students to respond in kind)
You can opt to use a mirror (cognitively young option) or large photo faces to represent the target child.
Does the child seem to recognize
their reflection in the mirror? (smiles)
Does the child appear to recognize
their own life-size photo face? (smiles)
Does the child appear to recognize the
life-size photo faces of their peers?
(e.g., looking to the corresponding target
child or shouting out their name when the photo face is first introduced)?
When conducting the Who’s Going Home Version of this
Does the child seem to recognize the photo of their home? (smiles upon seeing the picture of their house
or front door).
There should always be a reason why a particular song has been included in your roster of Circle Time Songs. Who Came to School Today? is a great song for helping students recognize their own name and picture, recognizing their classmates' names and pictures, working on social closeness through establishing a greeting routine and understanding the distinction between school and home.